San Antonio MLK march 2015

I went to the MLK march here in San Antonio this weekend and got some pretty awesome shots. It is very refreshing to see such a large group of people being so active. Seeing people demonstrate their thoughts and express themselves is something that gets me excited about where I live. It is inspiring to see a whole crowd of people marching all the way in to the horizon. In a society where we live inside of our screens it is nice to see people making art, playing music together, and gathering for a cause.

Marting Luther King March In San Antonio 2015
Martin Luther King March In San Antonio 2015
music san antonio
Two friends at mlk march in san antonio play some music on their horns
chess in the park san antonio martin luther king
Some people play chess in the park as the crowd marches in the street behind them.


A man leads the crowd in a chant on a megaphone against police brutality.
A man leads the crowd in a chant on a megaphone against police brutality.


One thing that I thought was odd about the march though were the corporate posters and signs. Bankers crashed the economy. Walmart exploits the welfare system. It is comical to see their logos, the symbols of modern day class oppression, on big banners marching in celebration of triumph over racial oppression. These companies should be more respectful and not try to just exploit the fact that there are a lot of eyeballs at an event. Wtf?


walmart mlk san antonio
WalMart Marching against oppression at the San Antonio Martin Luther King March


wal mart san antonio
Poverty stricken Walmart workers at a protest against low wages in LA.


valero mlk march
Oil companies are champions of human rights. Valero at MLK march in San Antonio


Despite the strange corporate promotions the march was an awesome event and I will definitely attend next year.

Watch the dream speech now

If you have not watched the dream speech for a while then give it a watch now below. I actually watch this video pretty often to get inspired. None of my problems are as big as the problems they faced back then. Looking at a single man lead so many people just with his words helps me put a better perspective on my life.

  • The omnipresence of corporate sponsorship gave me a nasty feeling in my stomach lol. I missed that anit-WalMart group though, that’s a great shot. Digging the site bro, keep at it.

    • Spencer_Cooley

      The Walmart one was from a protest in LA. Just thought it was funny to see them side by side.

      • Ah, I missed the caption, I see.