SAN ANTONIO – On Monday, November 9, Paper Tiger invited us out to photograph the beyond legendary, of Montreal. They were joined by Diane Coffee and brought psychedelic visuals and sounds San Antonio has never seen. Kevin Barnes, frontman for of Montreal is known to leave his audiences wanting a hell of a lot more and he definitely did not disappoint. Check out photos from their iconic performance below.
Diane Coffee and crew opened the night with high octane lyrics and fashion sense!
Local journalist, Shannon Sweet, is ready too ready to pop her of Montreal cherry.I of course stop by the merch booth to pic up a few wares.Our M.C. hypes up our already boiling anticipation of O.M.
Our Marrow M.C. is as excited as we are for of Montreal front man, Kevin Barnes, to arrive!So it begins…
You know how excited San Antonio was for Donald Trump to hit the scene.Diane Coffee and crew couldn’t help but join in on the fun.
Kevin Care’s so much for his fans, he always takes a moment for them.
Between the dancing and the visuals, things were getting steamy, as you can tell.
Kevin meets every awaiting fan.Photographer Brandy Rae Perez is overjoyed to be reunited with Barnes.Kevin, you still look like you’re 18! Well let’s say 25 ;)Thanks to Paper Tiger for the opportunity to photograph a personal style, soul, and musical icon of mine! And thanks to of Montreal for putting on yet another mind bending performance. Till next time!