Why I Started This Blog
Hello, for anyone that doesn’t know me my name is Spencer Cooley and I am a freelance web developer and designer living in San Antonio. I started this blog is so that I would have an excuse to meet every creative person in the city. I will mostly post about the cool people I meet and the events and places I discover.
When I first started flirting with the idea of doing this blog I went to a meetup about fashion. Fashion has absolutely nothing to do with what my mind is usually consumed by, which is technology and code, so I figured maybe some strange interesting stuff would happen if I met some people in the fashion community. I was curious if a fashion community even existed as well. I ended up going to a meetup called San Antonio Fashion Society and that led to me meeting and collaborating with a number of people. Along with learning how to dress a little cooler, I met fashion designers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. A designer I met even helped me jump start a vision I have for a line of luxury leather products. We just finished a prototype for a leather notebook cover. I also came across a group of bright people that run a site called style lush tv , they make great content about the art and fashion scene; Paying attention to their content has led me to learn about a bunch of cool galleries and events around town.

Since I am also interested in photography I went on photo walks with a couple different groups. Photography is an area that is naturally filled with visually creative people. I have met a variety of talented people exploring this space and have even lined up my first two interviews for this blog.There are two different groups that I met up with. Street Keepers and Chasing The Light . It’s a lot of fun so if you like photography make sure to come out to the next walk.

I have sort of just been stumbling around meeting cool people without a clear focus on making content, but now that I have a basic blog up I will probably take a more structured approach to future activities. I will start by interviewing the people I meet and posting about what cool stuff they are working on. I will also post events that I plan to attend.I would really like to surround myself with creative minds which is my primary reason for starting this blog. Stay tuned and hopefully I can provide some value.