Unestablished Turnout
|This past Saturday I headed out to an event called Unestablished. It was a pretty unique event. Artists displayed their works, musicians performed, people danced, and little kids did cartwheels in the center of the room. It was a truely diverse crowd and the vibe was a mix of “trendy cool” and “family fun” which is sort of a hard and unusual vibe to pull off.

I knew a couple of the featured artists from that street keepers photo group that I go to but wanted to meet the other artists that I didn’t know yet so I walked around the room looking for the people that created the cool works hanging on the walls. Here they are in some pictures below.

There was also some great music at the event. I did not know any of the musical artists but looked them up online and they seem pretty cool.

You can see a cool video by phree bass samples at http://vimeo.com/86444980
I found an article on these guys as well here http://daruckus.com/phree-bass-sampulz-interview/

I must have missed out on one of the musical guests because I saw another name on the flyer but never saw them perform. You can find Chris Conde here https://www.facebook.com/chrisconde
In between the musical performances the DJs kept the vibe going while people socialized and looked at the art on the walls.

Word is that there will be a Unestablished part 2 so make sure you come out to the next one. This one was really cool.
If you are one of the artists and you are reading this feel free to send me links to all of your online presence and I will include links in this post. contact@spencercooley.com