Documentary and Drama Merge at the AtticRep Theater
The Amish Project, equal parts documentary and drama, will play at the Alvarez Studio Theater at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts from February 11-21. Inspired by the shooting of ten students at a Pennsylvania school ten years ago, The Amish Project explores the role that compassion and forgiveness take when faced with violence and terrorism.
Although based on a real event, the play’s author, Jessica Dickey, wants the audience to understand that the stories and characters are fictional.
“I purposefully did not research the gunman or his widow, nor did I conduct any interviews of any kind,” she writes in a program note.

Roberto Prestigiacomo, Associate Professor at the Department of Human Communication and Theatre at Trinity University and the Producing Artistic Director at AtticRep, is proud to bring Sarah Gise back to town.
“Sarah is a San Antonio native that now lives and works in Chicago as a professional actor,” he wrote in a press release.
“The 2006 incident made international news, forcing a quiet traditional culture into the spotlight of a ravenous news media, and putting Amish life and faith under worldwide scrutiny,” Prestigiacomo wrote. “The Amish Project holds the audience spellbound, and opens us to delve into our shared humanity.”
The New York Times said of the production, “Extraordinary… compelling… the play is also a remarkable piece of writing.”
Indie Theatre Now said, “The Amish Project is thought-provoking, compelling theatre.”
As long as senseless acts of violence appear in newspaper headlines, this play will remain relevant.
Catch it Feb. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20 at 8 PM, or Feb.13 and 21 at 2:30 PM. See the Tobin Center’s website for ticket information.